Setting up FireCut

I installed FireCut, but it's nowhere on my desktop

FireCut is a plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro 2022+ and so it requires this software in order to run.

If you'd like to use FireCut with other editing tools such as Final Cut Pro or DaVinci Resolve, please sign up to FireCut Desktop (it's currently free while in beta!)

I installed FireCut, but the Window > Extensions menu in Premiere Pro is greyed out

Try opening a project. The Window menu is only available if a project is open in Premiere Pro.

I installed FireCut, but nothing happens when I click on Window > Extensions > FireCut

Please try uninstalling and reinstalling the latest version of FireCut.

  • To uninstall, follow the instructions here

  • To install the latest version, get it from the downloads page

I can't download the FireCut installer for Mac (.pkg)

There is a reported issue in downloading the .pkg installer file on Firefox which shows the code on the screen instead of downloading the file. Please try Chrome or another browser instead (you can use this link to avoid signing in: https://firecut.ai/downloads/)

I purchased a license key but it doesn't show up in my dashboard

If you went through a Stripe checkout page, but don't see a license key in your dashboard then it's usually one of 2 issues:

How do I change my subscription (e.g. change from Starter to Pro, cancel, etc.)?

Go to your dashboard and click on the Manage button shown next to your license key.

Where do I share feedback, feature requests, issues, etc.?

There are multiple ways to do this so there's no excuse not to share :)

  • Message in our Discord server (link in your dashboard)

  • Use the "Share feedback" button inside the FireCut panel (in Premiere Pro)


How can I edit captions created with FireCut?

FireCut creates captions as PNG images. In order to edit any captions, simply select the clip(s) you want to edit, and then in FireCut click Add captions > Edit selected captions

This will load up the selected captions into the editing panel. If you want to load the full transcript, just click Load full transcript

You are now free to make any changes in this panel. To update the captions, click Add styled captions to sequence. This will add the updated captions in a new track to ensure your original captions are not over-written or affected in any way.

My caption clips have diagonal stripes / are not rendering

This occasionally happens if you re-open a project that contains FireCut styled captions, and is usually caused by Premiere not opening the caption image files correctly.

The fix is simple (see 2 min video)

This forces Premiere Pro to re-ingest the clips and open them correctly.

How can I share my Styled caption presets with others?

Your caption presets are stored in this file:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\FireCut\caption_presets_custom.json (or full version: C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\FireCut\caption_presets_custom.json)

  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/FireCut/caption_presets_custom.json (or full version: /Users/<your username>/Library/Application Support/FireCut/caption_presets_custom.json)

To share them between users/devices, just copy this file across to the new user, making a backup of the existing file if required.


I would like to share it with my audience. Can I partner with you?
I would like to share it with friends / family. Can I get a referral code?

You can use a referral code for sharing with other people. You will get an email when you become eligible for this program (typically after your first payment has been made), and you will be able to click the "Refer a friend" button in your dashboard

How can I stay up to date on new and upcoming features?

The best way is to read our newsletter. You should get this if you are signed up for a plan, please do check your spam folder if you can't find an email (we typically email weekly).

I'm getting the error `ERROR: Error reaching the server for license key validation. Please ensure you are connected to the internet."

This indicates a network issue on your side (e.g. your firewall, ISP, VPN, etc.).

Some suggestions for fixing this:

  1. Check your firewall settings to explicitly allow Premiere Pro, or disable the firewall altogether for a few minutes

  2. Try a different Wi-Fi network / your phone's hotspot

  3. If you are on a work computer / a computer where some websites might be disabled, try a different computer or network

  4. Restart your device

  5. Fully uninstall and reinstall FireCut with the instructions here: https://learn.firecut.ai/overview/installing-firecut

Last updated